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National ACT Blog

Networking Tips
by: Sophia Sedillo

In today’s professional world, networking is essential for career development and success. Whether you are just starting out or looking to advance in your field, effective networking strategies can open up doors to new opportunities and connections. Here are some key strategies to consider:


  1. Leverage online platforms: Social media platforms like LinkedIn offer excellent opportunities for networking. Create a professional profile, engage with others’ content, and share your insights. Join industry-specific groups to stay informed and connect with like-minded professionals.


  1. Attend events and conferences: Industry events provide a space to meet professionals in your field. Attend conferences, workshops, and seminars to expand your network. Prepare conversation starters and bring business cards to leave a lasting impression. Try it out at Ag Media Summit in August!


  1. Follow up: After meeting someone new, follow up with a personalized message. This could be a LinkedIn connection request, an email, or even a handwritten note. Express gratitude for their time and mention key points from your conversation.


  1. Join professional organizations: Become a member of professional organizations related to your industry; like National Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow. This provides access to networking events, educational resources, and potential mentors.


  1. Cultivate relationships: Networking is a long-term endeavor. Nurture your connections over time through regular communication and engagement. Share updates about your career, congratulate others on their achievements, and offer support when needed.


  1. Practice active listening: When networking, listen actively to others. Ask open-ended questions and show genuine interest in their experiences and insights. This fosters meaningful conversations and helps you learn more about your connections.


  1. Stay positive and open-minded: Approach networking with a positive attitude and an open mind. You never know where a conversation might lead, so be open to unexpected opportunities and connections.


By implementing these networking strategies, you can build valuable professional relationships and create opportunities for personal and career growth. Remember, networking is about building genuine connections and offering value to others as much as receiving it.


Crafting Your Online Presence
by: Kensie Darst-Todd

Social media is a token of a milestone for how far we have come in communications. We have sought many ways to tell stories through platforms throughout the years, from publications like Andrew Bradford’s American Magazine in 1741 to 1920 when the first radio broadcast aired. Since then, the development of our communications has expanded beyond the imagination of the days when storytelling through different mediums had just begun. 


When we think about today’s social media usage, we may think of the influencers used to market products in collaboration with a company or the many memes posted after a hysterical incident on live television. Perhaps we think of social media as a platform to receive news about recent events that shocked the world. Whatever you may think of is valid because we all share different experiences and use social media in various ways.


As communicators, we often find times when we learn about a heartfelt or potentially award-winning story we want to share with our followers but will not be read by as many as intended. We may feel we need a significant presence on social media to share compelling and impactful messages. 


Here are three tips to build a more prominent presence for your social media platform:


  1. Determine the purpose of your platform. Different platforms serve different purposes. For example, Instagram is used for compelling images or videos that capture a moment in time to share with others. In contrast, LinkedIn is used to network with clients, employers, and audiences with similar interests. Determining which platform you will primarily use will influence the content you choose to share.

  2. Find your voice and style with authenticity. Your followers are inclined to follow your content on social media because they find inspiration, similarities, or valuable information on your page. Identify your voice to be consistent in the tone of your messages, and always be authentic with yourself and your followers! Sticking to your authentic brand will build trust between you and your audience. 

  3. Be consistent! Have you ever heard the term, consistency builds credibility? That applies here, too! Maintaining consistent content posting will not only make you more of an influential storyteller, but it will also increase your followers! Followers enjoy looking for creators they can escape to and be part of their daily lives. Posting on your feeds and stories helps achieve a high number of followers per account. Creating a content calendar and a list of ideas to post will assist you in your creative journey!

  4. Seek advice from mentors. As mentioned, social media can be used to network with other users. Creators use different strategies to increase their audiences and take alternative creativity routes to reach larger platforms. Don’t be afraid to reach out to other users to ask questions and learn from them!


Never be afraid to take a leap of faith and believe in something you want to begin! At first, it can be challenging to build in time to maintain consistent posting or to find the voice you want to stick with, but it will be worth it after some time. Big ideas always have small beginnings, so consider where you want to see your social platform down the road. Who would have guessed in 1741 how large of a market magazines would be or how radio broadcasting would influence the world today? It just takes one small step to make a significant impact.


National Ag Day:
Contributing as Communicators
by: Alison Chaney

National Agriculture Day is a day for celebrating farmers, farm workers, ranchers, fisherpeople, foresters, and other agricultural workers. As communicators in agriculture, how do we fit in and positively contribute to the industry?


While not necessarily laboring in the field day-to-day – shout out to those of you who are – agricultural communicators are equally important to the agricultural industry. While we are not doing the work directly, we are often behind the scenes with our cameras, computers and pens. We are responsible for telling workers’ stories. We bridge the gap between producers and consumers. But, how can we tell these stories?


We’re sharing our top 5 tips for finding your place in agricultural communications space: 

  1. Find Your Niche

College is a time for you to find what you love. Try everything! If you are not a writer, try picking up a camera. Try graphic design or social media if a camera is too intimating. Or, maybe you’ve got the natural gift of gab! Become a public speaker or PR rep. There truly is something for everyone in communications.


  1. Expand Your Network

Take advantage of conferences and other agricultural events. These conferences and events are where you can be shoulder-to-shoulder with industry professionals. In our small world, it is almost guaranteed you will probably work with someone you have previously met at one of these professional events. P.S. Registration for Ag Media Summit this summer is now open. 


  1. Increase Your Knowledge

Staying up to date on and savvy with relevant information and technology is a great way to stay current with the stories we tell. While reading may not be your idea of fun, it is a way to increase your understanding of a new topic or idea. 


  1. Take an Internship or Job Shadow

Internships and job shadows are another way to get industry experience, expand your network and increase your knowledge. They allow you to try different things and get more comfortable with working. Even though you can try really hard, the value you’ll learn in the trenches can’t be learned from a book or in a classroom. 


  1. Converse With People

Have a conversation with people about their experiences and discover what you can do to help spread their story. At the core of it, all agricultural communicators or more than the job they do. Have authentic conversations with folks. Learn about them! You never know how a conversation about your recent travels and experiences could be the starting point of a great connection with a future boss. 


Finding your place in the agricultural industry is all about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. While we may not be right in the nitty gritty with dirt under our nails, we have the unique ability to capture the details and portray a lifestyle and story. So, put on your boots, grab your fully loaded backpack and explore what our industry offers! It is time to ACTivate Your Agriculture! 

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