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Chapter Meeting Ideas

Needing a fun way to spice your chapter meetings up a bit? Here is where you can find some fresh meeting ideas from different chapters!

If your chapter does anything fun that you wish to share with others, please let us know so we can spread the word!

Community Service

  • Find opportunities with your college or other student organizations to partner up and complete a community service project.
  • Have members in your chapter make Christmas cards for nursing home residents or those serving in the military.
  • Volunteer at a local pet shelter to help feed or play with animals.
  • Host a FFA contest training and prep meeting!
  • Have members make blankets to give to those in need.
  • Host a canned food drive or pack the pantry event (non-perishable items are great too!)
  • Provide Christmas presents to a local charity within the community.


  • Crisis Communication: Being the hot topic that it is, maybe having someone who works within the communications department for a company come in and talk about how they react when a crisis happens would be beneficial because that is real – life scenarios that communicators will have to deal with.
  • Industry tours would allow students to catch a glimpse of what the professional communications world looks like. Members could visit agriculutral business or organizations and speak with professionals about their daily duties.
  • Have your ACT chapter visit a local elementary school to teach kids about various topics in agriculture.
  • Have a student panel of past ACT students come and talk about what they are doing now and how they got there. This is great for all ages to hear advice and words of wisdom as they enter the working world!
  • Professional panels are also great to have older members in the industry discussing the same thing but from a different perspective.
  • Host a resume critiquing workshop for members to get advice from professors/industry professionals about their resumes!
  • Partner with your campus career development office to give advice on preparing for interviews, career fairs, internships and full-time jobs. 
  • Host a critique & contest info night – where you go over critique & contest and answer any burning questions. 
  • Have a photography workshop where members can learn how to use a camera or enhance their knowledge and expertise. 
  • Invite professionals from various sectors of the industry to speak on specific topics.
  • Host a portfolio and branding night for website and personal brand purposes.


  • Have students submit photos and design a calendar to sell!
  • Have members take professional headshots or design business cards for a small fee!
  • Host a bake sale or succulent fundraiser.
  • Design buttons or stickers to sell to your university, college or department.
  • Have an apparel fundraiser.


  • Students can partner with local high schools to mentor students interested in agriculture communications.
  • Host a leadership workshop where members can take personality assessments to understand themselves better. They can also learn about how to work with others who have different personalities than them.
  • Have members partner with local agriculture organizations to advocate for agriculture


  • Mashed Potato Bar: Invite members of your college who are not in ACT to come enjoy a mashed potato bar with all the toppings they could desire. This is a great way to engage other people and maybe spark an interest about communications.
  • Google fun ice breakers to do with your group to get them mingling and out of their comfort zone, especially if it is the beginning of the semester and you have a lot of new members coming in.
  • Do a holiday themed meeting: pumpkin carving, cookie decorating, gift wrapping contest, Valentine’s Day party, Easter egg hunt, hay ride, friendsgiving, etc.
  • Take the chapter out for a fun night in town! (Bowling, Dinner, Movie, Ice Cream)
  • Have a game night! Students could bring board games and video games to play.
  • Hold a bonfire and make s’mores!
  • Have a movie night!

National ACT Critique and Contest Opens March 1, 2025 and ends May 15, 2025!